What to do when finding an injured kangaroo

Safely pull over on the road, put your hazard lights on if necessary. Make sure there is no traffic before crossing the road to recover an animal.

Is the animal safe to approach? If a large adult kangaroo, and is still active, you might be safer to just stand and observe for a few minutes.

  • If the kangaroo is trying to stand but cannot get up, then it more than likely has a broken back. Call the Police or Shire Rangers and ask them to humanely kill it

  • If the kangaroo has a broken leg. A broken leg cannot be set or mended. Call the Police or Shire Rangers and ask them to humanely kill it.

  • If the kangaroo has blood coming from its nose or mouth. This indicates severe trauma. Call the Police or Shire Rangers and ask them to humanely kill it.

  • If the animal is dead, drag a few metres from the road. Check the pouch if female for young joey. Removing it from the road is important so that any birds of prey do not get hit if they decide to feed on it.

If it is a furred Joey carefully reach in and retrieve by holding the Joey by the base of the tail and the other hand around the chest. Making sure that the Joey is not attached to the teat.

Have a bag, jumper or towel ready to wrap the Joey into once removed from the mothers pouch to keep it warm.

If an unfurred Joey, the Joey might be attached to the teat. Cut the teat from the mother and remove the Joey with it. Wrap firmly and keep close to your body, Get to help as soon as possible, the unfurred Joey will need artificial heat to keep it warm.

Food and water

If you are unable to get the orphaned Joey to an experienced carer straight away, offer water to it to lap. Do not feed it any milk unless you have been trained to do so. Cow's milk will make the Joey sick. The best thing to feed it is water or re-hydration fluid until you can get further help.


Keep the Joey wrapped in a breathable material and kept warm.

Keep in a quiet location and give it rest.

If traveling in a car, keep it on someones lap or car seat, floors can get too hot during the summer if traveling for long distances. Watch the air-con that the joey does not get chilled.

If a large Kangaroo has been injured and you believe that you can pick it up without hurting yourself, then do so but take care not to get bitten.

Always approach a larger kangaroo from behind.

Cover their head with a blanket or towel they will bite, plus this helps to calm them down.

Grab a firm hand on the base of the tail and support the rest of the body with the rear legs facing away from you.

Place into a large area of your car (back seat or rear of wagon), cover with towel or blanket.

Ensure that no one is in the kicking range of an animal during transport.

Get it to a carer as soon as possible.